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Build Trust

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Trust is essential when building a healthy and productive work environment. Whether you’re leading an entire department or work hand in hand with a just a few coworkers, it’s important to build trusting relationships.

Here are several tips to help build trust with both your coworkers and your superiors:

  • Be honest and share information completely. Be straightforward and honest with everyone and expect the same in return.
  • Be open to the ideas of others. Don’t dismiss an idea simply because it doesn’t align with what you had in mind. Take everyone’s feedback into consideration before making a final decision and let others be heard.
  • Stand up for what you believe in. If you feel strongly about an issue, make sure you voice your opinion–but be sure you can share some evidence to support your view.
  • Follow through on commitments. The easiest way to lose someone’s trust and confidence is to let them down. Make sure you meet your commitments and don’t set deadlines you can’t meet.
  • Learn from your mistakes. Mistakes will happen, and when they do, own up to them. Taking responsibility and developing a process to ensure the same mistake isn’t repeated is a great way to build trust.

At UNITY. Executive Tax, we take pride in helping people. If you are looking for a great new opportunity, please contact us today.

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